Jesus Club
The Jesus Club is the name of our monthly get-together for all the children in the Schools Programme. The main purpose of which is two fold; to give the children opportunity to learn about God and that Jesus Christ loves them and can be their personal Saviour and to develop their basis psychosocial skills. We don’t push the children into anything they don’t want to be part of but we share Jesus with them and let them decide. Amongst all of our Muslim Guardians and non-believers we have never had a complaint since 2009 in this regard.
During the club time the children share news, sing, pray, play energetic games, enjoy cooked food and fruit and engage in bible stories and teaching. Often we have extra English lessons for those struggling in this subject at school. Being in the club helps the children grow in confidence and self-esteem. This is especially important for them as the poverty they find themselves in often takes away the normal happy childhood they should enjoy.